August 13, 2018
Q&A with Joseph Goldstein
Questions Answered
How should people with a history of trauma practice meditation?
00:00:52August 13, 2018
How do meditation teachers recognize progress in their students?
00:09:52August 13, 2018
How can a person’s claims to freedom and "enlightenment" be evaluated?
00:11:53August 13, 2018
What are further indicators of progress on the path of meditative insight?
00:16:24August 13, 2018
If the goal of meditation is to transcend desire, how is that different from mere apathy and purposelessness?
00:28:46August 13, 2018
How should we view the unethical behavior of certain (supposedly great) meditation masters?
00:32:36August 13, 2018
How do you reconcile concerns about racial and gender diversity with illusion of the self?
00:40:32August 13, 2018
Do psychedelics supersede the practice of meditation?
00:53:08August 13, 2018
What is a thought? And how can something so insubstantial define our subjectivity?
01:00:08August 13, 2018
Is being lost in thought analogous to a mental illness?
01:05:38August 13, 2018
What is the right amount of effort to apply in meditation?
01:09:32August 13, 2018
What is the biggest misconception about Buddhism?
01:12:13August 13, 2018
What’s the difference between mindfulness and other techniques of meditation, such as TM?
01:13:53August 13, 2018
Speaking of "consciousness and its contents" seems to suggest a duality between subject and object. In what sense can this duality be transcended?
01:15:45August 13, 2018
Does mindfulness exist on a spectrum of strength or depth, or is progress simply a matter of having more moments of it?
01:21:21August 13, 2018
Is there a range of natural talent among meditators?
01:23:25August 13, 2018
Can we think about traditional Buddhist concepts like karma and rebirth in a fully secular, rational way?
01:25:10August 13, 2018
How can we understand the concept of “emptiness” in Buddhism?
01:28:14August 13, 2018